Argon is a colourless, odourless, and tasteless gas that makes up 0.94% of our atmosphere, argon becomes liquid at -185.8°C (302.4°F) and solid at -189.4°C (308.9°F) when fractionally distilled.

Supply Options

Argon Product Concentration Supply Options
Argon Gas >99.99 % v/v Mini and Large gas cylinders
High Purity Argon Gas >99.999 % v/v Mini and Large gas cylinders


For arc welding in Sri Lanka, argon is used in either pure or mixed form. Industrial Gases offers pure argon and Argoshield, a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide, as shielding gases. As well as being used in light bulbs, radio tubes, and Geiger counters, it is used as a carrier gas in gas chromatography and isotopic mass spectrometry.

Contact our Sales Team

| 011 523 0467 | |
for your Argon queries.


    Get In Touch

    Contact Info

    Phone numbers

    Tel Nos: +94 114845440
    Industrial Gases: +94 115230467
    Medical Gases +94 777727462 / +94 768295714
    Fax No: 0112401132

    Email address

    Address info

    152/2 Mabima Road,
    Heiyanthuduwa, Sapugaskanda,
    Sri Lanka